Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I am pregnant, where do I start to find adoption information?

"One Less" by: Matthew West

Matthew West wrote this song with the thought in mind that when a child is adopted there is one less child that is in need of a home.

Considering adoption as one of your options with your pregnancy is admirable!

Looking at all of your options with your pregnancy is wise and a selfless act.

At the Christian Child Placement Service we can provide information for you about adoption.
•Our services are FREE
•We are a licensed adoption agency

•We provide tailor made adoptions
•We have caring professionals that can see your needs are met
•Our goal is to meet the needs of everyone involved in the adoption process
•Birth parents choose the adoptive family
•We travel the state of New Mexico, we can come to you
•We are local in New Mexico and will support you before and after an adoption placement

•We provide free pregnancy tests
•Transportation to doctors visits and other appointments is provided
•Pregnancy options counseling is provided for everyone in an unplanned pregnancy
•We will share truthful abortion information
•We provide pregnancy information
•We provide baby/fetal development information
•Information and education on sexually transmitted disease (STD) is provided
•Factual parenting information is provided
•Legal expense coverage for adoption
•Housing and living expenses possible
•Coverage of medical expenses (where applicable)
•We believe that adoption is a loving and unselfish decision
•Prospective adoptive couples are interviewed, have home visits from a caseworker, receive criminal background checks, medical clearances, references, psychological screening and much more!

•Prospective adoptive couples provide emotionally secure two parent homes and come from financially secure back grounds
•Birth parents choose the level of openness they want with the adoptive family and child

Contact us for more information on all of your options with your pregnancy:

Christian Child Placement Service
e-mail: adopt@nmcch.org

Monday, November 29, 2010

Birthmoms taking Folic Acid

Folic acid is a B vitamin that can be found in some enriched foods and vitamin pills.

This vitamin can prevent birth defects of the baby's brain & spine.

Brain defects can cause learning disabilities; can cause a defect that causes the baby to die shortly after birth, and more.

Spine defects can cause the baby to have the lower part of their body paralyzed so they will not have control of bowel or bladder.

Many birth defects can be prevented if women get enough folic acid every day.

Folic acid can help form a baby's brain and spine.

It takes a small effort to get enough Folic Acid but it makes a BIG difference.

To learn more about your unplanned pregnancy options contact:

Christian Child Placement Service
e-mail: adopt@nmcch.org

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Adoptions in Eastern New Mexico

The Christian Child Placement Service (CCPS) is a rural Adoption Agency that understands your small town needs.

Our Free Confidential Services are provided by caring Adoption Caseworkers that will travel to meet you in a neutral location, or wherever you are comfortable. 

CCPS will provide information on all of your options so you can make a fully informed decision about your unexpected pregnancy.

CCPS will assist you with emotional needs, physical needs, adoption services, spiritual needs, and much more.

Please view other blog posts about our services and our website: http://www.adoptnewmexico.org/
to learn more about the Christian Child Placement Service Adoption Agency.

e-mail: adopt@nmcch.org

Monday, November 22, 2010

Adoption Agency New Mexico

Adoption is a loving and unselfish decision a mother in an unplanned pregnancy can make. Love is an action not just an emotion, taking action for the best interests of another person, regardless of one's emotions is love.

Making an adoption plan by using a licensed, full service, adoption agency like the Christian Child Placement Service (CCPS) gives birthparents protection and ongoing support after an adoptive placement.

At CCPS the birth parents select the adoptive parents they want to raise their baby.

A CCPS caseworker is available to take birth mothers to doctor's visits so they don't have to go alone.

CCPS adoption agency has staff available 24 hours a day to listen to you and to answer questions; we are available whenever you need us.

CCPS can provide assistance for an expectant mother during her unplanned pregnancy while she is considering adoption. We can help with physical needs, housing needs, maternity care, or other needed assistance.

Christian Child Placement Service
1-800-553-2229 (BABY) ex. 14
e-mail: adopt@nmcch.org

Friday, November 19, 2010

Respecting Birthmothers, Adoptive families and Children

This article was featured in the the Portales/Clovis Newspaper by the Christian Child Placement Service:

In honor of November being National Adoption Awareness Month, the Christian Child Placement Service where I intern would like to draw attention to the importance of positive adoption language.
People with the best intentions can cause harm by using ill-informed words regarding those who have been involved in the adoption process.If people will change their vocabulary, everyone may feel more respected.
For example, if someone regards the biological parent as the “real parent,” it can imply the adoptive parent is illegitimate. A more positive approach would be to regard them as “biological.”Another example is when people say a child was “given up for adoption.” This can imply to the child they are not valuable. A more positive approach is to say the child was “placed” for adoption.When in doubt you may want to ask the people who have been involved in adoption what makes them feel respected.Here are some examples provided by Adoptive Families Magazine of how to change your vocabulary to positive adoption language.

• Birthparent instead of real parent;
• Biological instead of natural parent;
• Birth child instead of own child;
• My child instead of adopted child or own child;
• Born to unmarried parents instead of illegitimate;
• Terminate parental rights instead of give up;
• Make an adoption plan instead of give away;
• To parent instead of to keep;
• Waiting child instead of adoptable child or available child;
• Making contact with instead of reunion;
• Intercountry adoption instead of foreign adoption;
• Adoption triad instead of adoption triangle

Rachelle Stephenson


Christian Child Placement Service
1-800-553-2229 ex. 14
e-mail: adopt@nmcch.org

Clovis, New Mexico; Adoption Agency

The Christian Child Placement Service Adoption Agency is a licensed full service non-profit adoption agency located in Portales, New Mexico.

As birth parents consider all of there options with the pregnancy, we are here to help all involved understand all of the options. 
("Everything to Me," by Mark Schultz is a beautiful song about a lady's choice to place her infant for adoption.)

An expectant mother can place her child for adopton through the Christian Child Placement Service Adoption Agency.

The Christian Child Placement Service has profiles of approved and waiting prospective adoptive couples for birth parent's to choose what family they want to raise their baby.

Christian Child Placement Service can provide assistance to an expectant mother during her unplanned pregnancy while she is considering adoption. We can help with physical needs, housing needs, maternity care, or other needed assistance.

The Christian Child Placement Service has a nurse on staff.

Our agency's web site is: http://www.adoptnewmexico.org/ Take a look to learn more about our services.

Give us a call at 1-800-553-2229 (BABY) extension 14, we are here to help day or night, we know that life does not always happen between 9-5.
email: adopt@nmcch.org

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Adoption Agency: Portales, New Mexico

The Christian Child Placement Service Adoption Agency is a licensed full service non-profit adoption agency located in Portales, New Mexico.

The Christian Child Placement Service has profiles of approved and waiting prospective adoptive couples for birth parents to choose who they would like to place their child with.

Christian Child Placement Service adoption agency has staff available 24 hours a day to listen to you and to answer questions; we are available whenever you need us.

Christian Child Placement Service can provide assistance to you during your unplanned pregnancy while you are considering adoption.  We can help with physical needs, housing needs, maternity care, or other needed assistance. We also have a nurse on staff.

Here is a short segment on vaginal child birth:

Christian Child Placement Service will talk to the birthfather and handle terminating his parental rights. You do not have to talk to him if you don't want to.

We, at the Christian Child Placement Service know that choosing what is best for your child and yourself is very difficult. Contact us and we will be glad to help you learn about all of your options so you can makes a fully informed decision

Christian Child Placement Service
1-800-553-2229 ex. 14
e-mail: adopt@nmcch.org

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Letter from Birthmother

This letter was written by one of our birthmothers to the adoptive family. …

“Dear Adoptive Parents,
I just watched the movie 'This Baby's Mine.'  It was a touching movie.  Now I kind of know how happy you all were to finally get a child.  And also how hard it would be to give her up.  I cryed for the birthmother and for the adoptive parents.  I love our baby so much. She changed so fast. I finally got a photo album. I have all of your letters and the picture s in a fire proof box. I never want to lose them….Give her all my love. Thank you for giving me and the baby an easier life. It was the best decision for all of us. Thank you and God bless you.”

As always,

Your Birthmother

We are here to help you with your unplanned pregnancy.
Christian Child Placement Service
1-800-553-2229 ex. 14
e-mail: adopt@nmcch.org

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Birthmoms Looking for Change

By: Julie Clinton, M.A. 

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!
2 Corinthians 5:17

I love the classic movie, “Anne of Green Gables.” One of my favorite lines from Anne is, “Tomorrow is a brand new day with no mistakes in it!”

One of the best things about life is that tomorrow doesn’t have to be the same as today. You can learn new habits, get rid of unwanted old ones, and do something about it.

You can be secure that Christ’s love for you is unchanging. Being firm and secure in that knowledge allows you the freedom to make needed changes in your own life. Knowing that God really loves you includes understanding that He wants the best for you and is willing to help you get it. He will help and support you through the choices and changes you need to make. He will be with you all the way. James 1:8 says that if we lack wisdom we can go to Him and He will guide us.

Take a minute for personal reflection. Though God’s love is unchanging, how do you need to change in order to more fully embrace His love and friendship? Do you need to accept yourself before you can accept God’s love more fully? Do you need to forgive yourself and/or others before you bathe in His love? Do you need to trust your heavenly Father more?

Take your needs to Him in prayer. Yearn to be more like Him. Allow His unchanging love to change you!
To sign up for Julie's EWomen's Weekly Devotional go to:
We are here to help you with your unplanned pregnancy.
Christian Child Placement Service
1800-553-2229 ex. 14
e-mail: adopt@nmcch.org

Monday, November 15, 2010

Facing Life Head-On: A Special Family Reunion (Episode Clips) A Birth Mom made an Adoption Plan & Later was Reunited

Twenty-four years ago, Bethany Steele’s birth mother, Kim Shelton, found herself unexpectedly pregnant. Already the mother of two sons and in the midst of a divorce, she was scared and unsure of what to do. She seriously contemplated having an abortion. But with the aid of a Pregnancy Help Center, Kim lovingly decided to make an adoption plan for Bethany.

Birth mother, adoptee and adoptive family talk about their experiences

View the full episode online for free:
Christian Child Placement Service is here to assist you with your unplanned pregnancy.
1800-553-2229 ex. 14
e-mail: adopt@nmcch.org

Friday, November 12, 2010

A Baby Growing In The Mothers Womb

Around the 20th day after conception a baby's brain, spinal cord, and nervous system are already established. The 21st day the baby's heart begins to beat. At 35 days five fingers can be distinguished on the baby's hand. Around 40 days brain waves can be detected.

At the 8th week everything is now present that will be found in a fully developed adult. By the 13th week it is apparent that the baby is a boy or a girl.

The baby can hear by the 5th month of pregnancy and if born at this age children have lived out side the mothers womb. When you are 7 months pregnant the baby's fours senses are working; the baby's vision, hearing, taste, and touch are all intact.

The average pregnancy is 280 days, form the first day of the mother's last menstrual period until birth.

At the Christian Child Placement Service we know that choosing the best option with your pregnancy is a very difficult decision. We want to provide information on all of your options so you can make a fully informed decision.

Christian Child Placement Service

1-800-553-2229 ex. 14
e-mail: adopt@nmcch.org

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Free Adoption Services When Considering Adoption

At the Christian Child Placement Service we know that choosing the best option with your unplanned pregnancy is a very difficult decision. We want to provide information on all of your options so you can make a fully informed decision.

We provide various forms of assistance for birthmoms considering adoption:
  • housing and living expenses possible
  • coverage of medical expenses (where applicable)
  • pregnancy tests
  • pregnancy options counseling
  • truthful abortion information
  • pregnancy information
  • baby/fetal development information
  • sexually transmitted disease (STD) information
  • parenting information
  • legal expense coverage for adoptions
  • and more
We support the birth parents throughout the pregnancy and beyond, helping them get connected to resources that will aid them in life.

We help the birth parents formulate goals and life plans; many have finished their GED, started college, gotten a job or began the path to do these things and more.

The birth parents select the adoptive parents they want to raise their baby.

Christian Child Placement Service
1-800-553-2229  ex.14
e-mail: adopt@nmcch.org

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Birthmom's Thoughts on Adoption

How do you feel when people around you speak about adoption in a positive way?
Birthmom: "I've always liked referring to myself as the biological parent versus my sons actual parent.  I've hardly heard individuals talk positively about adoption except for the few very supportive friends or family I have who know me well enough.  Numerous individuals came up to me and confronted me about why I was choosing to not be "responsible".  This word got thrown around quite a bit.  A part of me wanted to respond sarcastically about how responsible my decision actually was." 

How important is positive adoption language?  
Birthmom: "Extremely.  It seems to me, most people stay sick because they keep adoption a secret and do not communicate enough about what's going on.  Not only that, I don't think people educate themselves enough without feeling intimidated by their counselors, agencies, or whatever.  People thus become as sick as their secrets.  the more information that's described about adoption, the better for all parties involved. Adoption language is certainly important and also complicated."

What are some of the reasons you chose the adoptive family you did?
Birthmom: "One of the many things that influenced me the most to pick the family that I had, was because they had a description about not being able to have children of their own. And when it comes to words, the fact they said they allowed their adoptive daughter at the time to play in the "dirt" caught my attention most of all. This lead me to believe that they didn't stereotype the lifestyles of the boys and girls, etc."

Thoughts on Communication:
Birthmom: "I would hope that the adoptive parents would be very open with as much information as they have to relay to the children when and if the children ask.  I've got a co-worker who has an adopted girl.  He tells his 4 year old that the mother was sick from her disease called addiction and that she's hopefully getting treatment. Who knows how much a 4 yr can understand about that, but at least it's been said accurately.  The coworker has of course, spoken in a positive way about adoption.  This is important to me because I get to see how much unconditional love and understanding this person has, along with how well the girl is treated in spite of any adversities."  

This birthmom placed her child for adoption through the Christian Child Placement Service adoption agency several years ago.  We appreciate her continued communication with us!

Christian Child Placement Service
1-800-553-2229 ex.14
e-mail: adopt@nmcch.org

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Letter to Birthmother

This letter was written by one of our adoptive mothers who as a child had been adopted herself…She writes this particular letter to the birthmother of her child.

Dear Birthmother,

“I want you to know that there is absolutely no way I can look at adoption as a “second best” alternative. I know how much adoptive parents can love their children. I also, in some small sense have a grasp of the emotional turmoil you must be experiencing at this time. I understand, as only an adoptee can, the curiosity, the questions, and the emotions that your child will one day face. The fact that I am adopted is a large part of the reason that my husband and I want to adopt a child of our own…I want you to know that our child will always know that he or she is adopted and loved very much by you as well as us. He or she will be encouraged to share his or her feelings about adoption and any and all questions will be answered with the utmost honesty and straightforwardness as possible. …You will be regarded with only love and respect, always. “

-Adoptive Mother

If you would like to learn more about adoption we would be glad to share information with you:

Christian Child Placement Services
1-800-553-2229 ex. 14
e-mail: adopt@nmcch.org

Monday, November 8, 2010

I want to give my baby up for adoption

An expectant mother can receive assistance from the Christian Child Placement Service (CCPS) Adoption Agency to place her child for adoption.

The Christian Child Placement Service is a licensed full service adoption agency.

The Christian Child Placement Service has profiles of approved and waiting prospective adoptive couples for birth parent's to choose from.

A CCPS caseworker is available to take birth mothers to doctor's visits so they don't have to go alone.

Support is always available...whenever someone in an unplanned pregnancy needs us; we are here to talk day and night!

CCPS can provide various forms of assistance for expectant mothers considering adoption, contact us to learn more about housing, other physical and emotional support.

Christian Child Placement Service
e-mail: adopt@nmcch.org

At the Christian Child Placement Service we know that choosing the best option with your unplanned pregnancy is a very difficult decision. We want to provide information on all of your options so you can make a fully informed decision.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I’m Considering Adoption vs. Abortion

Latino Actor Eduardo Verastegui speaks about unplanned pregnancy:

Choosing life for your unborn child affirms life! God has a plan for the child's life, that is why the baby was created! Having an abortion takes away the child’s chance to fulfill God's plan.

Adoption is a loving and unselfish decision that a mother in an unplanned pregnancy can make. Love is an action not just an emotion, taking action for the best interests of another person, regardless of one's emotions is love. One birth mother expressed this thought by saying, "I knew that my decision to place my daughter for adoption would be the hardest thing in the world for me. It was about my daughter. It was about what I could give her: a two parent home, a family, stability, a chance for a future."

If you are pregnant and need someone to talk to about all of your options, if you are considering adoption, if you have had an abortion, or are considering an abortion and need confidential factual counseling contact:

Christian Child Placement Service
1-800-553-2229 ex.14
e-mail: adopt@nmcch.org

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Considering Adoption, Unplanned Pregnancy

Singer Nick Cannon's mother nearly aborted him. Experience this powerful music video based on Nick Cannon's life story.

With an unplanned pregnancy you have many options.
Temporary Custody with Family or Friends
State Aid
Voluntary Residential Care

We would love to be able to have the oppertunity to provide you with factual informaion on all of your options.

Contact the Christian Child Placement Service Adoption Agency today to learn more about your options.

We are a full service licensed adoption agency.
e-mail: adopt@nmcch.org

Friday, November 5, 2010

How To Really Love My Pregnant Daughter

When you first learn your daughter is pregnant:

You may think:
Her life is shattered & our lives are ruined
All of her and our hopes and dreams and plans are threatened

Take a Perspective Check:
It is not the end of the world, so:
Stay Calm
Avoid blame and condemning
Focus on the positive, she could have chosen an abortion.
Show grace and mercy, even when it is toughest!

Step into her shoes:
She is afraid
Does not feel like you love her
Feels alone
Facing a future she had not planned

Step up and be an asset for your daughter:
Reassure her of your unconditional love and concern
Affirm your confidence in her
Trust God wholeheartedly

Say It, she needs to hear this from you:
I still Love you
I am here for you
I will help you in whatever way I can
You have options
You have a whole lifetime ahead of you with a bright future

Her Health Should Be a Top Priority!
Be sure to:
Find a compassionate and caring health care provider
Make sure she has proper nutrition
See that she exercises appropriately
Be aware of hormonal changes
Check on her emotional well-being
Take away stressful situations
Acknowledge her feelings

Create a nonthreatening atmosphere:
Be willing to listen
Let her express her feelings
Don't give advice unless asked
Enable her to make rational decisions
Respect her privacy
Respect her feelings

There are many options for your daughter:
Temporary Custody from Family or Friends
State Aid
Voluntary Residential Care

You need support Too!
Get emotionally healthy so you can help your daughter
Get help from a pastor or minister
God is BIG enough to handle your doubts and questions
God's love is everlasting and unconditional
Receive help from others
And we are here to help you the parents also. As we work with your daughter we will support and can council with you also.

Call us with any questions you have:
Christian Child Placement Service
1-800-553-2229 ex 14
e-mail: adopt@nmcch.org

Thursday, November 4, 2010

I want to put my baby up for adoption

The Christian Child Placement Service (CCPS) is a full service adoption agency.

CCPS provides various forms of assistance for birthparents considering adoption.

At CCPS the birth parents select the adoptive parents they want to raise their baby.

A CCPS caseworker is available to take birth mothers to doctor's visits so they don't have to go alone.

After the baby is placed in the adoptive home pictures and letters can be provided to the birth parents if they desire communication.

Support is always available...whenever someone in an unplanned pregnancy needs us; we are here to talk day and night!

We continue to support the birth parents throughout the pregnancy and beyond, helping get connected to resources that will aid them in life after a placement.

At the Christian Child Placement Service we know that choosing the best option with your unplanned pregnancy is a very difficult decision. We want to provide information on all of your options so you can make a fully informed decision.

If you want more information about how to place a baby for adoption please contact us.

Christian Child Placement Service
e-mail: adopt@nmcch.org

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Unexpected Pregnancy, Considering Adoption

"He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge."
Psalm 91:4

This skit shows that no matter what we do Jesus' sacrifice for ALL of us covers us, and through his sacrifice he saves us.

"Greatest man in History, named Jesus, had no servants, yet they called Him Master. Had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called Him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet he conquered the world. He committed no ...crime,... yet they crucified Him. He was... buried in a tomb, yet He lives today." author unknown

If you need help in an unexpected pregnancy, we are here to support you. We are all covered by Jesus' sacrifice for us, and no one is without fault. We would love to have the chance to assist you with your unplanned pregnancy.

Christian Child Placement Service
e-mail: adopt@nmcch.org

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Considering Adoption as a Loving Choice for my Baby

Adoption is a loving choice expectant parent’s make for their children when they are unable to parent.

"A Mother's Love"

She carried a child beneath her heart
How she must have loved her so
She knew that they must be apart
Even as she watched her belly grow

The swelling of her belly
The movement felt within
The time would soon be coming
When she must give up this, her kin

She struggled with the thoughts inside
The decision she must make
To give this child a chance in life
One she must not take

The day arrived, a winter day
The blizzard running wild
The birthing of her little girl
Her precious little child

It must have been so very hard
To bear this one and then
Whisper as she's whisked away
"Perhaps we'll meet again"

The world so cold and lonely
Arms empty as she leaves
None can know the special hurt
And times that she so grieves

To hold the one she gave away
But it had to be for good
She could not care as she would want
Perhaps another would

Dear mother wherever she may be
It must have been so hard
To give her for another to raise
Her life it will have scarred

As the years go by, she must think
At each and every year
That special day that she gave birth
And prayed for her daughter so dear

That day would be etched in her memory forever
To forget that time and her child? NEVER!
Is she all right wherever she'll be?
Perhaps to give anything once just to see

Somewhere in this world a little girl would live
Unaware of what her mother had given
And though it hurt her to the core
She gave her a new life - an open door.

-Adoptee Jennifer Bige

Christian Child Placement Service
e-mail: adopt@nmcch.org
1-800-553-2229  ex. 14

Monday, November 1, 2010

How to give my baby up for adoption.

The Christian Child Placement Service adoption agency will assist an expectant mother to place her child for adoption.

The Christian Child Placement Service is a licensed full service adoption agency.

As you look at all of your options with your pregnancy we will provide more information about those options so you can make a fully informed decision as to the direction you want to go with your pregnancy.

Once you have made the decision about what option you choose for your baby and yourself we will help you achieve that goal.

Christian Child Placement Service adoption agency has staff available 24 hours a day to listen to you, answer questions; we are available whenever you need us.

The Christian Child Placement Service has profiles of approved and waiting prospective adoptive couples for birth parent's to choose the family they want to raise their child.

We can provide various forms of assistance for expectant mothers considering adoption, contact us to learn more about the types of assistance we provide.

Our web site: http://www.adoptnewmexico.org/
Take a look to learn more about our services.

1-800-553-2229 extension 14, we are here to help day or night, we know that life does not always happen between 9-5. 

email: adopt@nmcch.org