Monday, May 31, 2010

Dr. Phil

On the Dr. Phil television Show He had a 14 year old girl on the program that was openly sharing with everyone that she became sexually active at the age of 13, participating in activities with multiple partners; the activity included sexual intercourse, oral sex, & group sex.

Dr. Phil stated that ½ of teen girls are having sex.

Dr. Phil stated that 66% of teen girls send sexy pictures of themselves to teen boys, on their phone or over the internet.

The 14 year old girl stated she was not trying to get pregnant, but that she was providing her body to the boys because she wants the boys to like her. She also stated that she does not like feeling used but that she continues to allow sexual contact with the boys in hopes that she will be accepted, loved, cherished, etc. by the boys.

Dr. Phil stated that what teenage girls do not understand is that teenage boys don't want to go to the next level of the relationship with them, they don't want commitment...they just want sex.

The gril also stated that the sexual contact feels good in the moment, Dr. Phil a drug; as soon as it is over she wants to hold onto the fantasy she has built up around the sexual contact but the boy just moves on without emotional commitment.

The father of the 14 year old girl has not been involved in her life. Dr. Phil stated, and I have to agree, that the relationship a father has with his male and female children has a huge baring on the teens view of sex.

Dr. Phil went on to express, if the teens get the healthy attention that they need from their father they value themselves and choose to have healthy relationships with others.

If you are a teen and have found yourself in this cycle or if you would like to learn more about this topic and how you can help your teen please contact me.
1800-553-2229 (BABY)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Adoption Blog

I desire to provide information that is helpful to readers. I have enjoyed starting this blog and I hope it is informative and useful for those that read it. Don't hesitate to ask questions or provide topics that you would like more information on.

I am always alert to adoption in the media and how adoption is viewed on TV... and other media resources. Something that I recently have been thinking about is how the media portrays children who have been adopted and how the adoptive family tells the child they are adopted.

Our agency teaches the adoptive parents that honesty is ALWAYS the best policy. We teach that the family should use correct adoption language the child's whole life so that there is not a stigma attached to adoption. When the child is young they may not understand words like birth mom or adoption, but as the adoptive family raises the child, they will quickly understand everything. So waiting to tell a child they are adopted...ends up being, there was just never a good time to bring it up, or when the child was told..."at an appropriate age," they have a hard time because they feel that their parents have been lying to them and now they cannot trust them.

A story we share with our adoptive couples is:

Deep within a forest a little turtle began to climb a tree. After hours of effort, he reached the top, jumped into the air waving his front legs and crashed to the ground. After recovering, he slowly climbed the tree again, jumped, and fell to the ground. The turtle tried again and again while a couple of birds sitting on a branch watched his sad efforts.

Finally the female bird turned to her mate.
“Dear,” she chirped, “I think it’s time to tell him he’s adopted.
From 4-26-2005

Like I stated before, from the beginning...even before they can understand...HONESTY is always the best policy!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

"They say they will help me raise my baby."

Your parents are not the ones who will have ultimate responsibility for raising your baby.  They may be willing to "help" you, but in the end they may be relieved if you make an adoption plan that gives you back your life while preserving the life of your baby.  There are not too many parents that have raised their own children that WANT to have to do it a second go around. 

Ultimately, remember this: You are the mother of the baby, and it is you not your parent's, or friends that should make the final decision. 

The Adoption Option can be explored through our services. Please call us anytime, we are glad to help you understand all of your options.