Saturday, April 16, 2011

Preparing for Marriage- Unplanned Pregnancy

To enter in a marriage and have it be successful each partner must have a positive self-conception.

Negative self-conception is sometimes revealed by unspoken rules that we may not even know that we have until our partner breaks the unspoken rule. 

Four MYTHS that you may believe:
  1. Each partner expects the same things from the marriage.
  2. The good things in our marriage will just keep getting better and better.
  3. All of the bad things in my life will go away because of marriage.
  4. My spouse should complete me (make me whole).
Get yourself emotionally healthy before you get yourself married.

Two whole people = a whole marriage.

If you are considering entering a marriage relationship please seriously consider these concepts and thoughts. If you contemplating getting married because of an unplanned pregnancy these ideas should be looked at even closer.  I do feel that a child receives a better well rounded up bringing by being parented by a mother and a father, but if the parents enter in a marriage without each of them becoming whole first the child will be exposed to a lot of emotional faults and turmoil by both parents. 

Options to parenting unprepared include placing the child for adoption in a home with a mother and father, then later starting a family once emotional healing is reached.  Placing the child in the care of a family member until able to parent.  Voluntarily placing the child into a residential care program until home life is stable. 

So many children end up being removed from their home and placed into state foster care because their parents were unprepared to parent and did not have the skills to parent them in a healthy way.  Please consider all of your options before you choose what you want for your child.

Expectant parents with an unplanned pregnancy who would like help and support can contact us anytime day or night. We provide information on all options with an unexpected pregnancy and all of our adoption services for birth parents are free.

Christian Child Placement Service
1-800-553-2229 (BABY) ex.14

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