Wednesday, January 19, 2011

MTV's 'No Easy Decision' Special

The Link to MTV's TV Special:
'No Easy Decision' Special: "Markai and James take cameras on their difficult journey as they decide how to proceed with a second unplanned pregnancy and talk with Dr. Drew about making the toughest decision of their lives."

For the past couple of years, MTV has been showing teens the highs and lows of adoption and parenting with programs like "16 & Pregnant" and "Teen Mom".  Abortion took center stage during a special called "No Easy Decision" -- a heartbreaking inside look at three young women who chose abortion. But no matter how slanted MTV is with this topic, they could not hide the hurt and loss these mothers are feeling.

One mother said she had already fallen in love with her unborn baby, but abortion staffers told her it was only a clump of cells and advised her not to think of it as a child with ten fingers and ten toes. Just six weeks pregnant, she went in for the procedure and, even as cameras followed her the next day, almost instantly showed signs of post-abortion stress syndrome: anger, sadness and regret. Another cried, acknowledging the pain she feels when she sees her nephew who was born around the time she had her abortion -- a reminder of what she could have had. Though these women are trying to cope with their decisions and promote abortion as a reasonable option, their pain is far more apparent than they may realize. Our hearts go out to them and the millions more who are daily lied to by a calloused abortion industry. We pray, too, that this show -- however biased it was intended to be -- will be used for good.

One mother stated, "Doing what is right for the baby and giving the baby up for adoption, I don't think I could have gone through with that."  But she was able to go through with terminating a pregnancy.

Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome (PASS) is real,  PASS can affect women after an abortion. Some women who have had an abortion can find themselves having problems with physical or emotional issues. After an abortion it's possible that a woman will have some feelings of grief, guilt, sadness, crying and loss when this occurs she may be suffering from PASS. PASS may not even occur for several months/years after the abortion has taken place.

Some women experience the following after an abortion within the first 3 months:

• Self-harm, strong suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts (CALL 911 NOW)
• Increase in dangerous and/or unhealthy activities (alcohol/drug abuse, anorexia/bulimia, compulsive over- eating, cutting, casual and indifferent sex and other inappropriate risk-taking behaviors)
• Depression that is stronger than just 'a little sadness or the blues'
• Inability to perform normal self-care activities
• Inability to function normally in her job or in school
• Inability to take care of or relate to her existing children or function normally in her other relationships
(i.e. with a spouse, partner, other family member or friends)
• A desire to immediately get pregnant and 'replace' the baby that was aborted, even when all the circumstances that led her to 'choose abortion' the first time are still in place.

If you have had an abortion and are experiencing any of the above SEEK HELP EMEDIATLY. You are not alone. I am here to help, call a family member, friend, or health care personnel. Don't wait get help!

Some women have problems after an abortion that continues for months or years.

• emotions, and dealing with emotional issues
• struggles with depression
• continued suicidal thoughts or attempts
• anxiety and panic disorder
• addictions of all kinds
• difficulty sleeping and sleeping problems
• disturbing dreams and/or nightmares
• problems with phobias, or increase in severity of existing phobias
• eating disorders
• "replacement baby" syndrome
• repeated unplanned pregnancies with additional abortions
• repeated unplanned pregnancies carried to term
• "atonement marriage", where the woman marries the partner from the abortion, to help justify the abortion
• trouble with relationships and dealing with partners
• distress at the sight of other pregnant women, other people's babies and children
• inability to deal with or socialize with other pregnant women, other people's babies and children
• codependence and inability to make decisions easily
• problems with severe and disproportionate anger
• work and school problems (unable to function normally)
• problems bonding with and caring for existing children or new babies
• distress and problems with later pregnancy
• added emotional issues and problems when dealing with future infertility or other physical complications resulting from the abortion.
• unhealthy obsession with excelling at work or school, to justify the abortion

If you found yourself in any of the cycles listed above please seek help! You are not alone; contact me, a family member, a friend, a counselor, a social worker, or health care personnel.

Abortionist may deny that PASS occurs or exists. I have worked with women that have and are experiencing the problems above, PASS is real! If you are contemplating an abortion I have factual information about abortions that the abortionist may not share with you. Please contact me and my agency will provide the information to you FREE of charge. Also our agency offers Bible based post-abortion counseling FREE of charge to any woman.

Call anytime, you are not alone! 1-800-553-2229

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