Thursday, February 10, 2011

Unplanned Pregnancy & Omega-3

Fish containing omega-3 aid in fetal brain development, many types of fish contain omega-3 and are healthy choices for pregnant women. Pregnant women should not eat fish that can be high in mercury, like shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish and albacore tuna. High levels of mercury can harm an unborn baby's developing nervous system.

Some omega-3 rich fish that are low in mercury include salmon, herring, anchovies, sardines and trout. Pregnant women should make sure all fish they eat is thoroughly cooked to kill any bacteria. A pregnant woman should not eat raw fish or sushi.

If a pregnant woman would like the benefits of omega-3 for their unborn baby but does not want to eat fish taking omega-3 supplements while pregnant is a great option.

After the baby is born from birth through college a child can be given a DHA vitamin supplement that contains omega-3 that will continue to aid in the child's brain development. A child’s brain does not stop developing until the early 20's.

Additionally taking omega-3 supplements while pregnant can aid in the child being less hyperactive while growing up. Also a child who is hyperactive who takes a DHA/omega-3 supplement will likely receive benefits from the DHA/omega-3 supplement, relieving some of the hyperactivity.
Christian Child Placement Service
1-800-553-2229 (BABY) ex.14

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